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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  July 11, 2012 4:00am-4:30am PDT

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health care vote. house republicans will try again to repeal president obama's 2-year-old health care law. climate change. for the first time, the government says a rash of extreme weather is connected to global warming. and cardboard gold. an ohio man hits it big when he discovers baseball cards in an attic that may be worth millions discovers baseball cards in an attic that may be worth millions of dollars. captioning funded by cbs >> this is the "cbs morning >> this is the "cbs morning news" for wednesday, july 11, 2012. and good morning everybody. good to be with you. i'm terrell brown. today the republican controlled house is expected to vote to repeal president obama's health care law. it will be the latest in dozens of such votes. the first though since the supreme court ruling upholding the law. and in this election year vote, the gop isn't offering up an alternative. republican officials want to focus on the law itself.
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a law described by one gop lawmaker as economic malpractice. tara mergener is in washington with more. tara, good morning to you. >> good morning to you terrell. all gop lawmakers are expected to support the repeal and they're even hoping a few democrats will join. still, the outcome is all but certain. republicans in the house will vote today to overturn the affordable care act, something they've done before. >> the american people do not want to go down the path of obama care. that's why we've voted over 30 times to repeal it, to fund it, replace it. >> democrats say the vote is just for show. >> it is political theater, puts political games against -- ahead of the health of the nation's citizens. >> but republicans insist they're listening to their constituents. >> we in the house majority elected in 2010 precisely to overturn and replace this law are expressing the will of the american people. >> the house is expected to pass
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the bill today and then it moves over to the senate side of the capitol where democrats are in the majority. that means it's practically dead on arrival. >> we're hoping to have a chance to vote on repealing obama care again. >> according to president obama, health care reform is here to stay. but he did offer to work with republicans to make some changes. >> i will work with anybody to improve the helth care law where we can. but this law is here to stay. >> but republicans say there will be no compromise. >> we're going to do everything we can to stop it. >> and that, democrats say, is part of the problem. accusing the gop of not offering an alternative. and the last time around, three house democrats did side with republicans. terrell? >> tara mergener in washington. good to see you. thank you so much. the southeast may be in store for another round of rough weather today. it was a dangerous batch of storms last night. strong storms rolled through the atlanta area knocking out power and taking down trees, taking
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out power to nearly 15,000 customers. in south carolina, a wave of strong thunderstorms flooded roads. in columbia, more than 2 inches of rain fell in one hour. to colorado now, finally that massive wildfire is fully contained. the waldo canyon fire was te most destructive in state history. 29 square miles were burned, two people were killed and nearly 350 homes were destroyed. as many as 32,000 people were forced to evacuate. a government report shows that all the extreme weather we've been reporting on is climate change. record heat waves, massive floods and severe droughts during one of the warmest 15 years on record. wyatt andrews has more. >> the report says last year's record drought in texas was made roughly 20 times more likely because of man made climate change. specifically meaning warming that comes from greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. the study requested by noaa, the national oceanic and atmospheric administration looked at 50 years of weather data in texas
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and concluded that man made warming had to be a factor in the drought. the head of the climate office is tom carl. >> what we're seeing in texas and other phenomena and other parts of the world where we can't explain these events by natural variability alone. they're just too rare, too uncommon. >> aside from the texas drought, noaa called the entire year of 2011 the year of extreme weather events. >> on the ground. >> starting in joplin, missouri. all told, there were seven tornado outbreaks in america last year that caused a billion dollars or more in damages. there were increased hurricanes in the north atlantic. unprecedented flooding in australia and widespread drought in east africa. and all of that was caused by la nina. typically la nina is marked by a sharp cooling in the pacific, but last year's la nina was the warmest ever and, again, the government concluded that global climate change played a role.
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>> what's happening is these normal fluctuations between el nino and la nina events that lead to some of the extreme conditions become more extreme, more intense than they might otherwise have been because we've got increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere leading to a warmer planet. >> noaa scientists are not claiming that climate change causes a specific tornado or a specific drought, but what they are saying for the first time ever is that science has advanced to the point they can lay the odds. wyatt andrews, cbs news, washingto. francesco schettino, the captain of the costa concordia, the cruise ship that ran aground off an italian island says he was distracted by a phone call at the time. during an interview broadcast yesterday, he says he was on the phone when his ship hit a reef but he was not at the helm. when the costa concordia capsized. passengers described the confusing evacuation. 32 people were killed.
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clayton osbon, the pilot had a brief psychotic disorder due to a lack of sleep according to a psychologist. osbon ranted about religion and terrorists on a flight from new york to las vegas in march. according to just released court transcripts, psychologists testified that his disorder lasted about a week. a judge found him not guilty by reason of insanity. several people injured when severe turbulence bounced an american airlines flight. flight 1780, a boeing 757 was in en route from aruba to miami with 185 passengers on board. about 30 minutes from landing, the jet was jolted by 15 seconds of severe turbulence. several passengers were treated for minor injuries. two flight attendants were hospitalized. >> i never felt it, something like that in the past. basically, with the noise and the bumps, you just think that it's going down. >> meantime, a u.s. airways flight was diverted to philadelphia last night. the plane had taken off from charlotte en route to rome when crew members got ill after
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reporting a strange odor on board. five members of the crew were hospitalized. a delta jet was forced to land in cedar rapids, iowa because of engine trouble. it land safely with more than 100 people on board. take a quick break on this wednesday morning. when we come back, a suspect leads california police on a dramatic chase with a high flying ending. this is the morning news. flying ending. this is the morning news. ♪
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usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. an investigation is under way in arizona in the death of a man who apparently poisoned himself in court. courtroom video shows 53-year-old michael marin is putting his hands over his mouth and drinking water shortly before being convicted of arson. moments later, marin collapsed and died. a canister marked cyanide was found in his car. but the medical examiner has not yet determined what caused his death. a los angeles school teacher suspected of sexual misconduct is under guard. he led police on a high-speed chase that ended with a huge
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crash. as teresa garcia shows us, most of that action was caught on tape. >> this is all that's left of the pickup truck involved in a dramatic chase through the highways around los angeles. a chase that ended with the driver veering off the road, smashing through a guardrail and soaring into the air. the spectacular crash captured by a cbs news helicopter. the suspect is physical education teacher kip arnold. the los angeles unified school district teacher was wanted on allegations of committing lewd acts with a minor, who was a former student. police tried to question him in his car near his lakewood, california, home >> stopped the car, made contact with him at the window of the car and he said, i know why you're here and put the car in drive and took off. >> arnold headed west toward the pacific with police in pursuit. a patrol car got close enough to bump the pickup forcing it to slam into a tractor-trailer. the chase appeared to be over but he was able to get the truck unstuck and fled once again. a short time later, the suspect took this turn off the highway
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and suddenly swerved off the road and went airborne. the truck flew over the embankment and crashed into a tree below. rescue crews worked about an hour to free arnold, who was then taken to a nearby hospital. >> he seemed pretty stable. fort type of incident that took place. >> the l.a. school district is cooperating with investigators on the lewd acts case. teresa garcia, cbs news, los angeles. up next on a wednesday morning, your weather forecast. in sports, the national leaguers show their allstar stuff at the midsummer classic in kansas city. plus, an allstar card collection hidden in an attic for decades that could make an ohio family rich. ake an ohio family rich. to your kids' wet skin. neutrogena® wet skin kids. ordinary sunblock drips and whitens. neutrogena® wet skin cuts through water. forms a broad spectrum barrier for full strength sun protection. wet skin. neutrogena®.
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here's a look at the weather in some cities around the country. thunderstorms in new york, 84. hunderstorms in miami, . partly sunny skies, 84 in chicago. thunderstorms in dallas, 92, partly cloudy skies in los angeles, 82 degrees. let's check your national forecast. most of the southeast and parts of the mid-atlantic region will have scattered thunderstorms. some producing hail and locally heavy downpours. the northeast and midwest will be mostly dry with a few isolated thunderstorms. sunny in the west with scattered thunderstorms in the rockies and the high plains. triple digit highs will be common from interior california to montana. in sports, a big night for the national league allstars. three san francisco players had giant roles in the game starting with the kung fu panda. sandoval, who hit a bases loaded triple in the first inning off tiger's ace justin verlander.
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given a five-run league, set the pitching. two innings of shutout ball. in the fourth, melky cabrera hit a two-run homer, part of an mvp night for the center fielder. the nl won 8-0 to claim home field advantage in the world series for the third straight year. the game was the first allstar appearance for the mets 37-year-old knuckleballer r.a. dickey. it was the 8th for chipper jones. got a hit in. in his one plate appearance. he's retiring at the end of the season. the major leaguers weren't the only ones having fun. minor leaguers in redding, pennsylvania, held a different kind of home run derby. lots of differences. how about targets for hitters. like a guy in a flag outfit bouncing on a trampoline. a kid perched in a dunk tank in the outfield. another suspended from center field from a crane. plus pink flamingos. all for laughs with the more than 8,000 fans that turn out. that's the event you don't stay
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sober at very long. still on the subject of baseball, an ohio man made an allstar discovery. hundreds of baseball cards that hadn't seen the light of day in decades, an expert say the collection is worthy of the hall of fame. >> jen steck has the story. carl kissner took a step back in time as he was cleaning out the old house that his aunt and grandparents once lived in. digging through boxes of hats, dresses and knickknacks from the 1920s and 1930s, decades of his family's history and memories untouched for years. but it was a small, plain box covered in soot and under a dollhouse that caught his attention. >> we started looking and going well, they got to be baseball cards because that's cy young and there's wagner and there's ty cobb and evers and chance. you named five hall of famers right there. we're going okay, they're either worth nothing or worth something.
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>> a self-described baseball fan but not a card collector, karl did some research and realized what he had. he contacted heritage auctions out of dallas, texas to come in and authenticate the collection. >> when they called us up and said, carl, this is one of the most significant finds of baseball cards ever, i was like, no, it's just baseball cards. no. in this particular series, in this particular card, in this condition, some of them are mint condition. it just blows everybody away. >> the collection contains hundreds of cards but there are 27 in particular that could fetch millions. they're from a rare 1910 e-98 series. carl compares it to finding a mona lisa in the attic. >> experts call it. >> cardboard gold. if there was such a thing, this is it. >> as you can imagine, the cards are under lock and key once again in solitude awaiting auction. an auction made possible by carl's aunt.
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an aunt he will forever affectionately call a packrat. >> that was jen steck of toledo. by the way, the baseball cards will be auctioned next month in baltimore. best guess at the total value. guess. $3 million. auntie just hooked you up. we'll take a quick break. when we come back, a look at the top stories. in "moneywatch," environmentalists are eeing red after apple computers drops its ecofriendly green designs. after apple computers drops its ecofriendly green designs. i was pushing my kids in a stroller when i had my heart event. and i've been on a bayer aspirin regimen ever since.
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[ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i know if i take my bayer aspirin i have a better chance of living a healthy life. [ male announcer ] the inspiring taste of mcdonald's new spicy chicken mcbites. ♪ poppable pieces of tender chicken breast seasoned with just the right amount of spice, but just for a limited time. new spicy chicken mcbites. the simple joy of spicy perfection. ♪
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here's a look at the weather in some cities around the country. in d.c., partly sunny, 88. in atlanta, thunderstorms, 86. mostly sunny skies in st. louis, 91. thunderstorms in denver, 90. mostly sunny skies in seattle, 80 degrees.
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top stories now on a wednesday morning. the republican controlled house is expected to vote today to repeal president obama's health care law. it's done so more than 30 times in the past, even if the repeal is approved, the measure is sure to die in the democratic controlled senate. most destructive fire in colorado history is fully contained. the waldo canyon fire destroyed some 350 homes and is blamed for 2 deaths. cbs "moneywatch" time. the latest california city to declare bankruptcy. a showdown over pay cuts for scranton, pennsylvania, workers. ashley morrison has more. ash, good morning. >> good morning, terrell. word this morning that spain plans on raising taxes in a new push for austerity. overseas markets were flat on warnings of weak corporate earnings in the u.s. the nikkei dipped slightly and the hang seng gained a fraction. aluminum maker alcoa got earnings season started by reporting a loss last quarter. the company lost 4% after the
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report. overall stocks finished lower tuesday. the dow was down 83 points, while the nasdaq lost 29. another california city is declaring bankruptcy. san bernardino's council voted last night to seek chapter 9 protection. the city is facing a budget deficit of nearly $46 million. san bernardino is the second largest city to go bankrupt. stockton, california is the biggest. in scranton, pennsylvania, public employee unions are trying to have the mayor held in contempt of court. they say the marrying in order a court order and cut workers pay to minimum wage. the mayor says it's all the city can afford. the iowa brokerage firm peregrine filed for bankruptcy tuesday. on monday, regulators froze the company's accounts after discovering $220 million was missing. the investigation was launched after peregrine's ceo allegedly attempted suicide in a parking lot of the company's headquarters. and after it paid $60 million to settle a naming
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dispute, apple has the green light to start selling the ipad in china. and speaking of green, don't look for some of apple's products to be on a list of environmentally friendly electronics. the company pulled 39 of its computers, monitors and laptops off a list backed by the epa because they did not meet recycling standards. terrell, something tells me that will not keep fans away. >> i was just about to say that. it is not going to stop folks at all. we got to get you on that list, by the way. i have not forgotten. hold up your blackberry. ashley morrison here in new york. good to see you. thank you so much. coming up after your local news, actor jason biggs on his new movie, "grassroots." i'm terrell brown. this is the "cbs morning news." grassroots. i'm terrell brown. this is the "cbs morning news." [ man ] ever year, sophia and i
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as we mentioned earlier in the show, the houseotes as we mentioned earlier in the show, the house votes today on a bill to repeal president obama's health care reform law. the effort is expected to die in the democratic-led senate. individual states are deciding to opt out on their own. as anna werner reports, texas is the largest state to fight the overhaul. >> more than half the patients at the health clinic in dallas are uninsured. nearly a third are on medicaid, the federally sponsored insurance program for the poor. dr. susan briner runs the clinic. >> who are these people that you're seeing? >> people with health insurance in texas are the people who work at low-paying jobs. the people you would expect to know that the people who work by the hour who work in restaurants, who work in yards, who work in daycares.
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>> two million more low-income texns would be covered by the medicaid expansion prescribed by the affordable care act. but texas is refusing to participate, joining wisconsin, florida and louisiana, texas would be eligible for $164 billion in federal aid to pay for the expansion through 2020. but lieutenant governor david dewhurst says texas' share would be a heavy burden. >> quite frankly, the medicaid system is broken and by simply adding a million and a half to two million more people to medicaid will not solve the problem. >> texas will also be the largest state to refuse to create the state-run health care exchanges that would allow people to shop for affordable coverage. in a letter to the obama administration, texas governor rick perry called the requirements brazen intrusions into the sovereignty of our state. >> it doesn't materially improve the health care of texans and
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americans, and in five short years it will start to bankrupt the state of texas and other states. >> opting out will not stop health care exchanges from being set up in texas. if the state doesn't do it, federal authorities will. texas leaders bet that the supreme court would strike down the health care law, so they've done little to prepare for the exchanges that must be in place by 2014. but there is a provision in the health care law that would allow the state to take over those exchanges eventually at some point if they chose to. anna werner, cbs news, austin. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," the mystery surrounding congressman jesse jackson, jr.'s extended medical leave of absence. we'll get the latest from washington. plus the backlog at the department of veterans affairs that's delaying compensation for hundreds of thousands. david martin has a closer look. and a sit down with rock'n'roll legend stevie nicks. that and more a little later on "cbs this morning."
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for now, though, that will do it for the "cbs morning news" for this wednesday. as always, appreciate you watching. take care everybody. i'm terrell brown. take care everybody. i'm terrell brown. have a great day. -- captions by vitac --
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several fires at a fan as a park. why they're being called suspicious this morning police are chasing down a teacher


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